Notice is hereby given that the Consulate General of Italy in Boston intends to appoint a new Honorary Consul in Providence, Rhode Island, who will be called upon to carry out primarily functions of assistance in favor of Italian citizens and protection of Italian interests in the territory of competence. Compatriots who may be interested in this p...

Il 29 settembre scorso Deborah Jean Elsbree Del Sesto ha terminato il suo incarico presso il Consolato Onorario a Providence, per raggiunti limiti di età. A darne notizia è il Consolato generale d’Italia a Boston che dalla stessa data è tornato ad occuparsi direttamente delle pratiche dei connazionali residenti in Rhode Island. Finchè non sarà nomi...

We had the honor of attending to the Conference of Italian Consuls in the World, held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There we were able to see and greet the Consuls General in New York (Francesco Genuardi), Chicago (Giuseppe Finocchiaro), San Francisco (Lorenzo Ortona) and Los Angeles (Antonio Verde), and meet the new ones we had not yet had t...

If you or your family members or friends are working on their Italian dual citizenship, please note the following announcement from the Vice Consulate in Providence: Vice Consolato d'Italia a Providence, Rhode Island, USA Deborah E. Del SestoHONORARY VICE CONSULNOTICEThe Honorary Italian Vice Consulate office will be open onTuesday, September 23,...